Picking up Nickels

Thursday, August 10, 2006

August 2006 Financial Asset Roundup

Let's start with an overview of my current financial assets as of the market close on August 9th, 2006:

AssetAugust 2006 Balance
Money Market54,283.22
Savings Bonds16,761.12
Treasury Bills26,000.00
Roth IRA24,605.98
SEP IRA125,549.46
529 College Savings26,809.64
Total Assets$439,963.22

I don't have a concrete savings target at the moment. My main focus is maximizing SEP IRA and Roth IRA contributions as well as contributing to Section 529 college savings plans for the kiddies. I have also been building a cash position in Treasury Bills lately, which have given a nice rate of return with interest that is local and state tax free.


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