Picking up Nickels

Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 2024 Financial Asset Roundup

Here are my current financial assets as of the market close on July 10th, 2024:

Asset Jun 2024 Jul 2024 Change

Checking 1,299 2,491 1,192
Money Market 75,979 83,661 7,682
Savings Bonds 241,199 241,966 767
Treasurys 90,000 90,000 0
CDs 51,138 51,313 175
Brokerage 426,353 469,988 43,635
401k 393,495 415,863 22,368
Roth IRA 301,344 311,207 9,863
IRA 1,458,881 1,499,923 41,042
529 Savings 176,539 179,011 2,472
Total Assets $3,216,227 $3,345,423 $129,196
      4.02 %

The S&P 500 has reached the 5,600 level for the first time, rising 5.09% (+18.12% YTD) since the last update:

(chart courtesy of nasdaq.com)

On the jobs front, the unemployment rate for June rose to 4.1%. A steady 206,000 new jobs were added, showing a solid, but cooling labor market. Oil prices rose to the $82 level (from $77). The $82 price translates to a local unleaded regular gasoline price of $3.37 at my last fill-up.

On the financial front, my assets have again hit an all-time high, surpassing the previous high from June 2024! I did the usual Fidelity 401k transaction (FSKAX) and Vanguard VTI purchase in my taxable brokerage account. My 13 week T-Bills (5.404%) matured and were rolled into new ones at 5.383%. I also took a distribution from my S Corp and added a 2027 rung to my Treasury/CD ladder with 3 year T-Notes at 4.399% since rate cuts could be coming before the end of the year.

As for the non-financial, we enjoyed a nice 4th of July holiday and are currently dealing with the dog days of summer. The hot & humid weather has made keeping on top of lawn & garden work a bit challenging, but Mrs. Frugalson and I are looking forward to a short getaway in July before we wrangle the entire family for a longer vacation in August.


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