Picking up Nickels

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

August 2020 Financial Asset Roundup

Here are my current financial assets as of the market close on August 10th, 2020:

Asset Jul 2020 Aug 2020 Change

Checking 3,315 6,607 3,292
Money Market 101,241 88,213 -13,028
Savings Bonds 163,135 163,424 289
Treasury Bills 0 0 0
CDs 80,876 81,101 225
Brokerage 188,536 186,864 -1,672
401k 253,244 266,693 13,449
Roth IRA 182,151 189,556 7,405
SEP IRA 895,345 934,202 38,857
529 Savings 189,646 191,482 1,836

Total Assets $2,057,489 $2,108,142 $50,653

In spite of the daily bad news about the COVID-19 pandemic and stalled stimulus negotiations, the S&P 500 just keeps going up, rising 5.51% since the last update:

(chart courtesy of nasdaq.com)

On the jobs front, the unemployment rate for July improved a bit, falling from 11.1% to 10.2%. While that sounds like a positive development, it still translates to about 13 million jobs lost due to the pandemic. Oil prices have continued to creep up to the $43 level (from $40), which continues to translate to a local regular unleaded gasoline price of $1.99 at my last fill up.

On the financial front, my assets have hit an all-time high for the second month, surpassing the previous high from July 2020. My Alliant 2.35% APY 12 month CD will also be maturing soon, with no good options for that cash with interest rates circling the drain. With current interest rates and an uncertain economy, I just keep chuggin along as I make my montly contribution to my Solo 401k plan.

As for the non-financial, I finally got the oil-fired boiler at our house replaced and we bought a commuter car for the youngest Frugalson to take to college next month. We'll be defraying the cost of the car with the 529 scholarship exception, so at least that'll help a bit. We'll owe income tax on the earnings of course, but at least we won't also have to pony up the 10% penalty.