Picking up Nickels

Monday, May 13, 2024

May 2024 Financial Asset Roundup

Here are my current financial assets as of the market close on May 10th, 2024:

Asset Apr 2024 May 2024 Change

Checking 1,960 2,984 1,024
Money Market 73,698 66,878 -6,820
Savings Bonds 224,657 240,434 15,777
Treasurys 90,000 90,000 0
CDs 50,890 50,957 67
Brokerage 414,339 406,390 -7,949
401k 372,492 381,078 8,586
Roth IRA 292,917 297,224 4,307
IRA 1,426,592 1,442,706 16,114
529 Savings 174,066 175,352 1,286
Total Assets $3,121,611 $3,154,003 $32,392
      1.04 %

The S&P 500 has stayed near all-time highs, rising 1.20% (+9.49% YTD) since the last update:

(chart courtesy of nasdaq.com)

On the jobs front, the unemployment rate for April rose to 3.9%, with a "cooling" 175,000 new jobs added. Oil prices fell to the $79 level (from $85) in spite of Middle East tensions. The $79 price translates to a local unleaded regular gasoline price of $3.45 at my last fill-up.

On the financial front, my assets have again hit an all-time high, surpassing the previous high from April 2024! I did the usual Fidelity 401k transaction (FSKAX) and Vanguard VTI purchase in my taxable brokerage account. My 13 week T-Bills (5.394%) matured and were rolled into new ones at 5.395%. I also took a distribution from my S Corp and finished my 0% fixed rate November 2016 I Bonds flip to 1.3% fixed rate April 2024 I Bonds while adding another $5k in paper April 2024 I Bonds as a 2023 Federal tax refund.

As for the non-financial, we're heading toward the end of the school year where the youngest Frugalson is about to graduate from college with a plan to start grad school in the fall. Sometimes it's hard to believe how grown up our children are and how close we are to actually retiring from our careers and moving on to the next phase of our lives. We've come a long way, baby!