Picking up Nickels

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

March 2025 Financial Asset Roundup

Here are my current financial assets as of the market close on March 10th, 2025:

Asset Feb 2025 Mar 2025 Change

Checking 3,013 3,639 626
Money Market 76,754 83,610 6,856
Savings Bonds 247,000 247,594 594
Treasurys 110,000 110,000 0
CDs 52,745 52,915 170
Brokerage 553,870 483,195 -70,675
401k 481,183 451,398 -29,785
Roth IRA 338,199 324,919 -13,280
IRA 1,601,799 1,570,089 -31,710
529 Savings 170,459 170,916 457
Total Assets $3,635,022 $3,498,275 -$136,747
      -3.76 %

The S&P 500 has struggled of late, falling 7.48% (-4.54% YTD) since the last update:

(chart courtesy of nasdaq.com)

A couple of weeks ago I did something that I never do. I have always been a "stay the course" guy through the dotcom bubble bursting, the Great Recession, and the start of the COVID pandemic and never made any changes to our investments during tough times. However, the chaos unfolding with our economy is my "it's different this time!" moment and I'm convinced that very bad things are coming. The United States is in the process of destroying our relationships with trade partners and allies through on again off again tariffs and threats while we have put the richest man in the world in charge of gutting our government. We're trying to deport millions of people from our workforce as we get ready to borrow more money we don't have for tax cuts and side with Russia against our European allies. After seeing the world order that has allowed our country to prosper for the past 75+ years starting to crumble I finally decided that I wasn't comfortable with the amount of risk I had been taking with our investments and cut our exposure to equities by 20% (from 70% -> 50%). That money is sitting in cash for now as I try to decide how to proceed. I just feel like I'm watching a car crash happen in slow motion and am powerless to do anything about it.

On the jobs front, the unemployment rate for February rose to 4.1%, with a solid 151,000 new jobs created. Oil prices have dropped to the $67 level (from $72) with that $67 price reflected in a local unleaded regular gasoline price of $2.85 and a heating oil price of $3.35 at my last fill-up.

On the financial front, I skipped my usual Fidelity 401k transaction (FSKAX) and Vanguard VTI purchase in my taxable brokerage account because I am not comfortable adding to our equity holdings at this time. I did take an S Corp distribution and my 13 week T-Bills (4.511%) matured and were rolled into new ones at 4.314% while my 4 week T-Bills (4.323%) also matured and were rolled into new ones at 4.308%.

As for the non-financial, we at least got our tax returns filed on time and owe a little on our Federal and state returns. I'm also bracing myself for potential job and scholarship losses in my family as government jobs and spending are cut, so it feels to me a lot like when I was stocking up on things before the COVID pandemic took off as others were drinking in crowded bars like everything was fine. I sure hope I'm wrong. :(