Picking up Nickels

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 2014 Financial Asset Roundup

Here are my current financial assets as of the market close on June 10th, 2014:

Asset May
Checking 3,783 770 -3,013
Money Market 47,499 46,651 -848
Savings Bonds 92,177 92,271 94
Treasury Bills 0 0 0
CDs 62,648 62,825 177
Brokerage 123,884 131,017 7,133
401k 140,026 144,521 4,495
Roth IRA 89,526 92,659 3,133
SEP IRA 445,471 462,102 16,631
529 Savings 104,960 107,645 2,685

Total Assets $1,109,974 $1,140,461 $30,487

The S&P 500 has to near all time highs over the past month, rising 3.85% since the last update:

(chart courtesy of msn.com)

On the jobs front, the unemployment rate for May remained flat at 6.3% while all of the jobs lost during the recession have finally been recovered. Oil prices remained fairly flat at about $104 over the past month.

On the financial front, my assets have once again surpassed their previous all time high from May and are closing in on the $1.2M threshold. I don't have any pending money moves at the moment, but it will be interesting to see what the stock market will do throughout 2014. Right now the S&P 500 is up about 5.5% for the year and I imagine we'd need some very positive economic news for the index to move much higher.

For the non-financial, I'm currently suffering through the green pollen season we're having in the Northeast (achoo!). Also, the next big event on the horizon is the young Frugalsons being done with the school year in a couple of weeks. I'm sure they'll miss school very much as they enjoy 2+ months of fun in the sun. ;)