Picking up Nickels

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 2012 Financial Asset Roundup

Here are my current financial assets as of the market close on July 10th, 2012:

Asset Jun 2012 Jul 2012 Change
Checking 1,902 776 -1,126
Money Market 44,416 45,839 1,423
Savings Bonds 66,361 66,567 206
Treasury Bills 0 0 0
CDs 68,202 68,453 251
Brokerage 93,348 98,663 5,315
401k 96,449 98,770 2,321
Roth IRA 54,424 55,987 1,563
SEP IRA 295,450 302,391 6,941
529 Savings 63,680 66,184 2,504
Total Assets $784,232 $803,630 $19,398

The downward trend for S&P 500 seems to have reversed course somewhat, rising by 2.49% since the last update:

(chart courtesy of msn.com)

On the jobs front, the unemployment rate for June remained flat at 8.2% with an underwhelming 80,000 jobs created. And to make matters worse, the crisis du jour is the impending Fiscal Cliff, just what every struggling economy needs. Oil prices have risen somewhat from $84 to around $87, although I've observed local gasoline prices continue to fall from about $3.59 to $3.43 during that time.

On the financial front, I'm still manning the death watch for my E-Loan 5 year CD @5.55% APY next month. Otherwise, I have been watching money flow out of my wallet for car repairs, appliance repairs, and random things breaking down around the house. Oh well, at least I was able to save a few bucks by doing some of the repairs myself.

As for the rest, my surgically repaired arm feels pretty good five months post-op and I'm looking forward to our annual modest vacation later this month. Hopefully the weather (and the offspring) will be cooperative. At some point the family "oblication" has to turn back into a family vacation, right? :p